Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixDirected by David Yates, still starring the same original cast.. Additions including Imelda Staunton as Dolores Umbridge (the evil, evil woman) and Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix Lestrange (also and evil, evil woman).

The Dark Lord's back. With the Ministry of Magic trying to deny and cover it, Harry was accused as a liar, a mad boy. But apparently Dumbledore was already a step ahead, gathering the old Order of the Phoenix, which consisted of veteran aurors whose purpose was to fight and destroy Voldemort and his allies. The Ministry did not stay quiet, they placed Dolores Umbridge at Hogwarts, and she instantly placed new rules and basically ruining Hogwarts. And Voldemort was trying to take what he couldn't take years ago..

I cannot explain how much I love the Harry Potter movies. I just LOVE the books and nothing can beat the excitement and hype that I feel when I'm waiting for the next HaPot (and LoTR. Aaahh the good ol' LoTR days.. how I miss them) movie to come out. And I gotta tell ya, this one is IT. It's THE BEST. It's Movie of the Year. It's.. just.. GREAT. Movie 1, 2, 3 are just the weakest, 4 is good and solid and this one is absolutely the best so far. So well-made, had a little indie touch and oh so dark. Although the acting could still be improved but hey, who cares for that little detail when you've got Ralph Fiennes, Gary Oldman and Jason Isaacs all in the same scene? I am SO becoming a Gary Oldman fan. The movie is quite different from the book, but I think changes are necessary for the movie to become 150-minute long and still connected, understandable and enjoyable. This one did it, man. Just so great. I cried reading the book and I cried watching the movie. Sorry, can't help it. So people, go see it. You have to. Everyone has to. By the way, what's the story of David Yates getting this job? He used to work on TV movies, TV series and all of a sudden, boom, 'Here, David, direct a Harry Potter movie.. In fact, two of them.'? But yea, kinda glad he did this one because he sure made it very dark and in the beginning of the movie, you won't feel like watching a HaPot movie. So indie. And apparently his (well, according to trade mark is the use of hand-held camera, which you could see in the beginning of the movie. And how pretty is Emma Watson? Seriously. Okay okay, scherzi out.

Really tempted to give a 10, but.. Just can't, yet. Maybe when Daniel Radcliffe's acting got better, I would. But for now..
9.6 / 10.
Highest Rolled Reel score so far.

And please.. this time.. A.M.P.A.S., for your consideration.

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