Saturday, May 12, 2007

Spider-Man 3

Spider-Man 3Of course, Spider-Man.. Still directed by Sam Raimi and still had the usual cast and some additions such as Topher Grace (who I lovelove), Bryce Dallas Howard and Thomas Haden Church.

So, our hero was having a good time, finally finding the balance between work, study and romance. NY even gave him a key to the city. But, as Peter's life was getting better and better, MJ's was going the opposite way. Peter, swooned by all the attention that he was getting, was not being senstive and supportive enough to MJ and they grew apart. Then, a suspicious black substance turned Peter into his bad alter ego. Stronger, yet meaner. He was in awe with it and before you knew it, he changed into somebody else. New opponents also came up, Venom (Topher Grace), who was originally Eddie Brock Jr., a photographer trying to work in The Daily Bugle, whose life Peter ruined. There's also The Sandman (Thomas Hayden Church), who apparently was Uncle Ben's reall killer and last, of course, Harry Osborn. How will Spidey face all this? And how about his relationship with MJ?

Remember in the second movie, there was this scene where Peter had just decided that he wasn't going to be Spiderman anymore and he was happy and the song 'Rain Drops Keep Falling on my Head' was playing in the background? Well, in this third film there's also that kind of scene but in this case, it wasn't happy!Peter, it was emo!Peter. Gothic, emo Peter. He looked so damn dorky, you just gotta love him! I mean, imagine Tobey with emo make-up dancing on the street, swinging his hips. Hahahaha.. Gotta love this man. The film's SFX was great, of course, although I didn't really like the Sandman thing. But the battle between Spidey and Goblin was GREAT. Story-wise, it's not really WOW and I have to admit, I hatehate the ending. I mean, this is the last film, at least end it with a bang, man! *sigh* But aaanyways, go see it for entertainment. Seeing Peter Parker being a bad boy was worth my time and money. Aaaand how could you not love James Franco? The guy is seriously hot and charming and a good actor, I can't believe he keeps starring in mediocre movies. I really like the character J. Jonah Jameson (The Daily Bugle's boss), for some reasons.. he just stole the scene, man. And Bruce Campbell's cameo as a maĆ®tre d’ was priceless.

7.5 / 10.

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